

What is PolyStructure?

AccuPredict and PolyChord Ltd have come together to bring you PolyStructure, a simple, low-cost computed inspection regime using risk analysis based on real-world sensor measurements. Taking AccuPredict's next-level sensors and PolyChord's ability to predict a structure's life span, PolyStructure will supply the operator of an infrastructure with quantitative grounds for the ranking of maintenance strategies and the optimisation of resource allocation.


Prioritise for Your Exact Needs

Compared to traditional “judgemental” methods of assessing bridges, PolyStructure is backed by statistical evidence rather than "guessing" the integrity of a bridge/structure. A key strength from this is in PolyStructure's ability to prioritise features when calculating structural integrity. For example, one could give maintenance priority to the assets at the highest risk, reducing insurance costs, reducing costs associated with bridge failures, and optimising the assignment of maintenance budgets.

Computed Confidence

PolyStructure compares distributions of direct and indirect measurements and draws confidence levels on the existence of faults and the progression rate of said faults. Together this will provide the operator with confidence levels on the remaining “safe life” of a structure.


Bridge Lifespan Projections

Want to Learn More?

With a the sensor expertise of AccuPredict and the revolutionary science backing PolyChord's data science, PolyStructure is ready to change the way people inspect structures. To learn more, head to our contact us page and shoot us a message for more details.